Winnipeg Leisure Guide - Winter 2014
The new Leisure Guide book is out for winter 2014, lots of great classes and courses for the whole family. You can get it in today’s Free Press, but also pick it up at the library and stores around the city.
Registration for swimming this year is tuesday Dec. 10th at 8am.
Registration for all the rest is Wednesday Dec. 11th at 8am.
You can register online, on the phone at 311 or in person.
Huge selection of stuff from toddlers to seniors and the prices are pretty reasonable. A lot of the classes fill up very quickly so make sure to mark your calendars and be ready before 8am the day of. If you’re planning on registering online you need to set up an account before, don’t wait til the day of try to set it up, as their site often crashes or is slow.
What are your tips for registering for leisure guide classes? Which courses are you planning on for the winter session?