Couponing 101
Here are some of the best sites to get coupons:
Also, check out Checkout51, it’s a coupon app that’s easy to use and pays you out by cheque.
The Free Press and sometimes your flyers have coupon inserts once or twice a month – I always post them up on the weekends they come out. Keep an eye out at the grocery store – there are tearpads for coupons there.
There are a lot of sample sites out there – I’ll update as they become available – sign up for as many as you can, getting free samples in the mail is a great money saver!
And if you usually do a big shop once a month, try to plan it out for 10% off Tuesdays if you shop at Sobey’s or Safeway – great little extra bonus there!
And follow along on my Winnipeg Mom Blog – I’ll post up all the best deals and coupons as they come up!