Shoppers Drugmart 20x day today

28 Dec

If you’re braving the storm and heading out shopping, Shopper’s Drugmart has 20x the Optimum points today when you spend $50 or more.

There are some good one day deals for today too – Royale toilet paper is $5, Tide is $4.50, Christie cookies and crackers are $1.49, 6 pack of paper towels for $2.49, Cheerios for $1.77, Kraft peanut butter for $2.99, cases of Kraft Dinner are $7.99. At the stores that have food you can get 1L jugs of chocolate milk for $1.29 and a dozen eggs for $1.77.

Lots of other good deals for the whole week – combine those together today and earn a lot of points 🙂  Might even be lucky and find some holiday clearance too.

Optimum points add up pretty quickly, and if you save them for the special redemption days it really pays off.



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