Redplum insert in today’s paper. I haven’t been getting these in my flyers for a long time, has anyone else been getting them with their flyers? Here’s what’s included:
– buy any simple moisturizer and get a free simple cleanser or wipes
– 2$ off Becel Pro-activ margarine
– $1 off Europe’s best frozen fruit or veggie
-$2 off when you buy any 2 dove hair products
– $1 off any BlueWater item
– $1 off vileda gloves
Next Redplum insert will be March 9th.
Wow, so of these inserts aren’t worth it for what I pay for the paper. Or is it worth it to spend the $1.50/paper for extra coupons to trade?
They’ve all been thin lately…this one doesn’t have any big coupons to trade either. For us, probably just use the fish one, and maybe the shampoo one if find a deal…I wouldn’t rush out to buy the paper just for this 😉