Disney’s Beauty and the Beast has been re-released in 3D – it’s in theatres now!
We’ve been to other 3D movies and I thought it was pretty neat, but didn’t really get it. With this movie it just fits in perfectly and really adds to the story and the mood. Beautiful rain, petals floating by, the wolves seem that much more real – you really find that you lose yourself in the movie. My daughter usually won’t wear her glasses, she didn’t wear them for the first half of the movie even though we kept telling her how great it was. She finally put them on and after the movie she was really upset with us for not making her wear it the whole time! 😉 Most of us have already seen Beauty and the Beast – I know I’ve seen it several times. Seeing it in the theatre in 3D was like seeing a whole new movie for me, I got caught up in the adventure, the romance of it all, I really enjoyed it! Makes for a fun family night out!
All your favourite scenes in 3D is fun too – the songs seem to pop more, and of course being in the theater and seeing it on the big screen always makes a big difference. There was also a fun mini movie before the show from Tangled – it was hilarious! It was also cute to see all the little kids wearing their costumes to the theatre – hadn’t even thought of doing that. Seemed that boys were enjoying it as much as girls, even my husband was totally absorbed into the story! Something about putting on those glasses, munching on some theatre popcorn – you get to really enjoy the film!
Our family gives this 3D release a huge thumbs up! Did anyone go see it this weekend? What did everyone think?
It was my first time watching a 3D movie (thanks again for the tickets!) so I don’t really have anything to compare it to. But I took a 5 year old and a 2 year old with me. Much to my surprise the 2 year old kept her glasses on the whole time. She reached for the rain and was trying to touch the screen. Even though we got there early the place was packed and we had trouble finding 4 seats together and ended up in the 3rd or 4th row which was too close for me but I still enjoyed it enough. I should also say that the 2 year old loved it so much that when she and her mom stopped at the store on the way back, she saw a sticker book with Beauty and Beast on it and was so excited. Her mom bought it for her and she didn’t let it go for over 24 hours! So, I would definitely say it was a success! 🙂