Chicken Soup has a great new book out, O Canada. It’s 101 heartwarming and inspring stories by and for Canadians. This book made me laugh so hard – I loved it! My favourite quote in the book is from one of my favourite authors, Douglas Coupland : “Canadians can easily pass for American as long as we don’t accidentally use metric measurements or apologize when hit by a car”.
There are some great stories in here about typical Canadian things, hockey of course, going to the cottage, winter etc. I loved You might be Canadian if….by Sheri Radford – so many of them are so true for most of us. Made me think of when I bump into someone’s cart at the grocery store – usually both people say oops sorry pretty fast! 🙂
This is a great collection of all Canadian stories – it was such a fun read. This is the kind of book that would make a good gift for any Canadian – perfect for when you’re not sure what to get someone. There’s stories in here for all of us, really make you appreciate how “Canadian” we all are. Like slurpees and shorts in winter, this book is full of great stories for appreciating those kinds of quirky behaviours! 🙂
And thanks to Chicken Soup, 2 lucky people will each be winning their own copy of O Canada – to enter comment with what makes you “Canadian” – Contest open to all Canadians and will end Wednesday Jan. 18th at noon. Good Luck!
Sounds like a great book, I can’t wait to read it, eh!
(Saying eh! is what makes me Canadian. well, that, and the fact I was born here. 🙂 )
I love my back bacon…….eh.
You know your Canadian when websiteS you frequent everyday are sites like “save money in Winnipeg” and “Smart Canuks” LOL
My love of snow and winter shows how Canadian I am 🙂
What makes me Canadian? I love the freedoms we have. I love being able to see a doctor and not have to pull out a credit card. I love how each province is different in landscape. Have to love Canadian back bacon too!
being proud of our country and the people who live here!!!
I love winter and that’s what makes me Canadian–snow, ice, cold, skiing, skating, tobogganing, bring it on! I love it all.
I tear up when they sing “O Canada” at sporting events. To hear everyone’s pride in their voices as they sing makes me proud to be Canadian!
Being able to brave cold winters!
What makes me Canadian is my love of this great Country I was born & live in. I am truly blessed to live in a Country that values freedom!
What makes me Canadian-I won’t eat the last piece of anything. And I say sorry too much!
My winter driving abilities make me a true Canadian!
what makes me Canadian is my enjoyment of all the freedom we are blessed to have…want to complain – go ahead, want to be critical – go ahead, want to try to change something – go ahead. you get my drift. we are able to do all these things and more without the fear of prison, torture or even death. what a great country!!
I love that I never have to wait for payday to go see a doctor and I don’t have to worry that my children won’t have proper medical care.
I am such a proud Canadian, I’d love this book!
Somethings that make me Canadian is to be able to drive in any kind of weather. To get a slurpee in minus 40 weather, and to be able to order poutine in almost any restaurant.
What makes me Canadian? When it’s the middle of winter and I get a slurpee!!