The new leisure guide was in my Free Press this morning. It’s for fall – registration starts Monday August 29th at 9am. As usual you can register by calling 311, going in person, or online .
It also has the classes done through Assiniboine Park – some neat ones there. Like growing indoor edibles, canning and preserves, stunning holiday feasts, making homemade pasta etc. – The classes are all around 50$ for these, could make an interesting gift. Those classes you have to register through Assiniboine Park, all the info is there.
I always like getting the leisure guide, even if we’re not signing up for anything – lots of great info in there about all kinds of stuff.
I saw the Leisure Guides at the library when I went to pick up a book on Thursday. If you don’t get one in the paper, you can look there for a copy.
Do you also check for courses etc through the school divisions?
Yup – the library has it, usually the y does too. I haven’t looked for any classes for this fall at all – we are just going to focus on kindergarten for now 🙂 The cooking class we did twice is no longer in st vital either i think, that was a great class for kids.
Oh joy, two hours pressing redial on the phone; just what I need to do right after I move!
Hopefully this time they have more staff answering the phone. If you speak french at all make sure to press the french option, it goes pretty fast that way.