Time to clean out the coupon binders!

2 Jan

There were so many coupons ending in December – I haven’t even cleaned my coupon binder out, it’s always a sad day! 🙁

Good time to order a lot of coupons and restock your binders! Here are some good sites:

Brandsaver will be up Jan 4th and there will be a lot of good coupons.

There’s also Save.ca  – and many other offshoots of it like here and here and here and here and here !

Remember to keep an eye out in stores to look for coupons, check your magazines, ask friends and family for their copies – doesn’t take much effort and you can easily end up with a binder full. Just make sure to keep it to those your family really uses, otherwise you’ll end up like on that show with 4 binders and boxes full of coupons! 😉 After 3 years I’m still just at one binder, I keep it very organized and I don’t keep coupons for things I know we wouldn’t buy or use. Keeps things easy and quick at the store and it’s not overwhelming. I always laugh when I see on tv people spending 30-40 hours on coupons! That’s a full time job! With just a few minutes here and there you can easily have an organized binder and not have to devote all your time to it.

Another great place to find coupons are on the actual products you buy – when picking up cereal look through the boxes, right now Shreddies (which are 2.99 at shoppers) have coupons on the back for a free smoothie and breakfast bar at Booster Juice – worth way worth than the cereal! And Nature Valley granola bars (1.99) have coupons for a free pack of juice boxes on them. It’s not every box, sometimes you need to look through – always check the end of the aisle too, they usually restock faster there and it’s the new boxes with the coupons! 🙂

Any other good tips on where to find coupons? Is anyone confused or have questions about anything coupon related? Or just savings related at all?

And a fun thing to do with all those expired coupons if you have kids – they are perfect for paper mache! Just mix up some water and flour (or glue and water) and stick them to a balloon etc to make a pinata, or any sort of craft! 🙂 Colorful and precut!

2 Replies to “Time to clean out the coupon binders!

  1. What a great idea Nadine. So simple and so obvious, but I never thought of it. Now that my granddaughter is old enough to appreciate it, it would be great to make a ‘pinata’ with tiny toys, candy, whatever in it. It could evolve as she gets older and she could always have a little something to do when she comes to ‘Gramma’s House’. Thanks once again!

    • I’m sure she’d love it! We make masks and little toys out of paper mache too. We saw on that Artzooka show about using glue and water and it’s a lot less messy.

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