Fred Penner Reading for Kids at #GrantPark - Family Literacy Day

If you’re looking for something fun to do to celebrate Family Literacy Day, Grant Park Shopping Centre has a great afternoon planned.

From 2-4pm on Feb. 1st they are hosting an event, and Fred Penner will be reading at 3pm to the kids! All kids under 6 will also receive a free book!

I can’t even explain how the love of reading can change a child. Mine went from being not interested much in books to a complete book lover almost overnight! You just have to keep at it, and it’s a love that will last a lifetime! Sometimes it just takes the right books too – we have tons of books, go to the library all the time, but once she started reading the My Weird School books it just took off – she’s now completed all three series from that author!!

What are your tips for getting kids to love reading? What do you as a family to promote literacy?

Any other fun events going on in the city for Family Literacy Day?