Flyer deals this week
Safeway has dollar days this week – lettuce, avocados, apples, frozen juice, toothpaste etc. are all $1. Flyer is full of $1,$2 and so on items – lots of great deals! Free milk promo is back too – buy 3 kellogg’s cereals and get a free 4L jug of milk! 🙂 One of my favourite promos, since a lot of boxes of cereal have a code on the back for a free breakfast item, some are worth up to $6. And the cereals are on sale 3 for $12! Strawberries, raspberries and blackberries are 2 for $4.
Sobey’s also has dollar days – lemons are 2 for $1, onions are $1 a bag, broccoli and spinach are $1. Dollar days are a great way to cut costs for the next month or two, stock up on everything you normally use that’s on for $1, and fill your crisper with all the cheap fruit and veg on sale.
M&M is having a garlic shrimp special on friday and saturday only – reg. $13 on for $8. Good time to use one of those $5 gift cards from last week’s canadian tire promo if you got one! 🙂 Saturday is also a scratch and win day if you spend $30 or more, you can get an instant win or 5 or 10% off your purchase.