Coupon giveaway!

19 Mar

I haven’t been online as much as usual lately, lots of sickness in our household….so to make up for it, what about a coupon giveaway? 🙂

How about this….2 ways to enter:

1st post up a money saving tip

2nd post a link to this giveaway somewhere online, facebook, twitter etc. 

make sure to comment seperately for each one

I’ll do 1 winner for up to 99 entries, 3 winners for 100-149, 5 winners for 150-199 and so on – each winner will receive a big envelope of coupons! 🙂 Contest open to all Canadians, and will end Wednesday March 21st at noon! good luck everyone!

33 Replies to “Coupon giveaway!

  1. Have 1 night a wee when you serve only “Memories” best way to clean the fridge out of all those left overs that are not enough for a meal but too much for 1 person to take for lunch.

  2. Make sure you have reward cards for any and all stores you shop at. Even if it’s only once a year the points/rewards add up and you don’t want to miss anything.

  3. Save your butter wrappers. Use these for greasing pans for baking cakes, muffins, or even your pan for pancakes.

  4. do a quick coupon review before you leave for the store-just in case you see something on sale when you get there and you can save extra with a coupon.

  5. Have a few easy fallback meals on hand in the pantry so you don’t have to eat out when you have nothing planned for dinner. EATING OUT IS SOOOO EXPENSIVE, ESPECIALLY IF YOUR KIDS ARE BIG EATERS-the kiddy menu doesn’t cut it.

  6. One of the ways that I save the most money is by buying products on sale or in large quantities and freezing them for future use. Some of the items that I save the most on are:
    50% off creams, buttermilk, etc.
    30% off meats such as chicken, luncheon meats, etc.
    Other meats such as pork and beef we buy by the half or whole animal for large savings
    Bacon-we stock up when it is on sale for $2.49 or lower
    Butter-also stock up at $2.49 or lower
    Any produce that we have that we won’t be using before its expiration gets chopped up and frozen for soups, etc.

  7. I agree 100% with the post above. Stock up for a few months when a big sale comes along. I recently stocked up on an unadvertised in store special of 900G bags of pasta for 80 cents a bag!!!! Combine that with jars of pasta sauce for a buck a piece, as well as the recent 5$ off pork special recently at Costco… I have pantry and freezer filled with fast go to meals at a fraction of the cost compared to picking up something on the way home at our local supermarket… I live in the country and things aren`t cheap out here unless there is a major sale on! Ordering in isn`t an option, and I`ve probably saved at least a grand over the past few years by stocking my fridge, deep freeze and pantry full of sale items…. The only downfall is that quite often you have to have cash in hand to take advantage of the deals (ie: Costco or buying a half of cow from a farmer), and need to learn that it is an investment that will save you cash down the road.

  8. Meal plan according to what you already have on hand, what’s on sale that week and in terms of produce, what’s in season.

  9. My money saving tip is to always check flyers for specials and sales before grocery shopping and combine with coupons.

    ksceviour at hotmail dot com

  10. Try to stock up on really good sale items such as staples (sugar, flour, etc). Saves you a lot of money later on.

  11. My money saving tip for one entry is,
    Try to finish most of the food from your freezer before going shopping for more. There is so much wasted food that creeps down to the bottom of the freezer (or back of it) that ends up thrown out. Major $$$ there!

    Thanks for the giveaway Nadine!

  12. Use up what you have on hand! Once every 3 months or so I have a no spend week that usually manages to clear out my cupboards.

  13. Get a shoppers card. I never shopped there and I got one in Jan and im already up to 50000 points buying stuff onsale, using coupons and getting their really good sales….im saving for the mega redemption weekend…YAY

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