This Saturday October 20th at theatres cross Canada there will be some free movies – and select concession items are $2 each. 100% of proceeds go to the Starlight Children’s foundation.
At Famous Players Kildonan Place it’s Mission Impossible Ghost Protocol at 9am and 945am, How to Train your Dragon at 915 and 10am, and Puss In Boots at 930 and 1015am.
At Cinema City Northgate it’s Transformers at 9am, Dragon at 915am, Hugo 3D at 930am, Mission Impossible at 945 am, Kung Fu Panda 2 3d at 10am, and Puss in boots at 1015 am.
At Silver City st vital and polo park it’s the same as cinema city. Make sure to check their site for full details etc. Makes for a very cheap family outing to the movies! 🙂