Children's Hospital Book Market Sale at St. Vital Centre in #Winnipeg

Today and tomorow at St. Vital Centre it’s the Children’s Hospital Book Sale at St. Vital Centre.

If you haven’t been before it’s time to check it out! 🙂 There are tables set up all over the mall, and it’s seperated into different sections and topics etc.  You can find some really neat books there too, and all the books are donated and the money goes to charity so perfect time to stock up on a lot of winter reading material.

We always go to buy children’s books – they have some for every age and reading level, also french books too. Great time to pick up some new books for your kid – but also to donate to their classroom or groups. And remember when you’re done with the books you can donate them right back so they can be resold next year!

The sale is on today until 9pm and tomorrow from 930 am to 6pm. Bring a bag and hope everyone finds some great reads!