Canada Dawgs - Review and Giveaway
Summer is coming quickly, and we all know what that means – new shoes! 🙂 I was very happy to try out some Spirit shoes from Canada Dawgs. They’re a cute, comfortable slip on shoe, you can velcro it to adjust it. Sort of a mix between a runner and a slip on – you can wear it with or without socks.
It’s a nice light summer shoe, easy to take off and on but great arch support. I wore mine around the house the first few days and it made a great house shoe for those who like that – when the weather warmed up a bit I wore them outside. Ran some errands, played in the yard – they got really muddy but it just crumbled away and they are back to looking great. Love that in a summer shoe! I love their selection too, lots of great colours. They also make tons of other shoes for the whole family – the lineup is great! You can order them online, but they’re available at tons of local retailers across the whole province (Canada wide too of course! The prices are very reasonable, they’re really well made and a big emphasis on comfort and being good for your feet.
If you’re unsure of your size, or your husband or kids etc. for ordering shoes online, they have a great chart to help figure it out – very handy! They also have free shipping if you order 2 pairs or more.
And thanks to Canada Dawgs one lucky person will get to win a pair of Spirits of their own!! 3 ways to enter for this one:
1st way – Check out Canada Dawgs and comment with which shoes are your favourite
2nd way – Like Canada Dawgs on facebook
3rd way – follow Canada Dawgs on twitter
Make sure to comment seperately for each entry – Contest open to all Canadians and will end Monday March 26th at noon. Good Luck to everyone!