Body By Vi (Visalus) Giveaway!!

15 Nov

ย  Looking to lose some weight or just get more fit? Today’s giveaway is a great start – 5 meal replacement samples, a box of Pro Energy drink, some flavor mix-ins and a Vi-trim sample.

To enter, check out Shawna’s siteย and comment with what your goal would be. She’s our local body by bi (visalus) rep so make sure to contact her with any questions etc.

This giveaway is open to all Canadians and will end Nov. 16th at 9am. Good Luck!

40 Replies to “Body By Vi (Visalus) Giveaway!!

  1. I have been using this for awhile, mostly in the morning and I love it! Tastes great with almond milk! My goal is still to lose weight…

  2. I would like to support my very active lifestyle of Couch Surfing, and Maintain a balanced diet!!
    Weight Loss couldn’t hurt either..You’d think with an active lifetstyle like that, something would come off ๐Ÿ˜‰

  3. My goal is weight loss – I had an easy pregnancy, only gained 10lbs from start to finish but was overweight before I got pregnant so i`d like to lose the pregnancy weight, the weight i`ve put on after having my DD and some weight from before i was pregnant. I want to be able to keep up with my DD as she grows, she`s almost ready to crawl now!

  4. I’ve dropped 26lbs now this fall and would love to trim off another 12-15lbs. I have two good friends using this product and would love to try it

  5. to loose some weight. My hubby has had some serious health issues & 2 surgies in the last 6 months and I’ve put on some weight due to stress. I’d love to get rid of it.

  6. my goal would be to lose 50-100 so i can do more with my kids and just be happy about myself for once so i would definately want the transformation kit

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