Who loves coupons? :) Time for a giveaway!

14 Aug

I have way too many coupons again – time to share some!

I’ll pickΒ 1 winner for 1-99 entries, 3 winners for 100-199 and so on! πŸ™‚Β  Each person will receive a large envelope of coupons, grocery, toiletries etc.

Easy to enter – just comment with why you love coupons, or which coupon has been your favourite etc.Β  Some coupon related inspiration or advice! Contest open to all Canadians and will end Saturday Aug. 18th at noon – good luck to everyone!

53 Replies to “Who loves coupons? :) Time for a giveaway!

  1. My fav coupon was the minute maid. Buy 2 cans and save 1.00. Great for the summer and they usually go on sale too. Double bonus πŸ™‚

  2. I am a big fan of the $4 chicken or beef coupons on the Taco Kits! If I get the right sale, I have gotten the hamburger completely free! (actually, with the discounts and coupons I think they actually ended up crediting me .38 on my bill LOL).

    Lately I’ve been buying the cheese strings, and they have coupons inside for various cheese and dairy products – those are great too!

    Thanks for all your hard work Nadine!!

  3. My favourite coupon is the one for $3.00 off Pedigree Dog Food. They rarely have coupons, and it one of the few items I am brand loyal too.

  4. I think my favorite would have to be the dove ones. With some stacking you get free product! Gotta love free!
    Now that LD has changed their rules and limits I hadn’t been using those ones as often. But when you find a good price and put it with a coupon – much cheaper!!

  5. Had a coupon for $1.50 off of mini wheat cereal than they were on special for $2.50. Also, they were on sale last week for $1.99 with the extra 10% off instead of almost $6 a box!!! I look around at prices…..same item….$4 difference between walmart and Sobeys!!!

  6. Right now my favorite coupon is for the free nestea that came in the packages of cans. I only have been able to find one case but I love it!

  7. With summer here I would have to say the minute maid coupons other then that I love the dove ones or coupons on food that we eat.

  8. My favorite coupons are the ones for cereal and the cereal has a coupon on it for a free milk or breakfast item such as bananas or Eggos.

  9. I have enjoyed many of the coupons from the cereal boxes for free Almond Milk and Tea. I haven’t had to many great coupons in the past while besides the ones from the cereal boxes-time to start looking for them again!

  10. I love the free sample coupons. Good chance to try a product without the risk. I always try to use coupons to save a little everytime… it all adds up πŸ™‚

  11. I love coupons because it helps you save on things you already buy or maybe lets you buy things you normally wouldn’t. Although it took awhile to resist getting something just because you got a coupon for it.
    Fav coupon… that’s tough. I think I like the free breakfast items on the cereal boxes. Nice bonus.

  12. Hello,
    The Suburban Grandma is Gwendolyn Ewert.
    I won a book – Chicken Soup for the Soul, in regards to stress.
    I have not received this book & look forward to reading it. Would you kindly send me the book or tell me what I need to do to receive it. I really appreciate the wonderful gift which I find would be very timely in my life. Could you kindly send me an e-mail.
    Thank You so much!
    Gwendolyn Ewert
    Box 13, Group 612, S.S.6
    Winnipeg, Manitoba
    R2C 2Z3

  13. Comment with why I love coupons?!?! Really?!?!? How about some of my favs then… There are some good answers on here that I must agree with… The Nestea (except it is sold out everywhere… or people are hoarding them), Taco kit coupons, The Johnsons and Johnsons FPC was sweet, I LOVED the Hamburger Helper coupons for the free bag of Veggies/beef as my kids could LIVE off that stuff, Pantene BOGO… The list goes on πŸ™‚

  14. I just love coupons because they save my family money. I try and take all the money saved and put it towards our first house πŸ™‚

  15. My favorite COUPON is pretty much any coupon!! I am a new ‘couponer’ so any deal I can get right now is a terrific one. I am not too familiar with those talked about in the comments above but they all sound great. I recently had my fiance build shelves in our closets to help contain my mini stock pile that I have started thanks to my attention to coupons. I might have to say though that my ultimate favs are the ones I pass on to unsuspecting friends because I know they use certain items…the only thing better than getting a deal is sharing a deal!!

  16. I would have to say my favorite coupon is still the $5 wub 2 Olay – REALLY wish they would bring it back!! LOVE coupons for the pure fact that it challenges me to save even more money on a day to day basis

  17. I use the Free Press Sunday Xtra coupon for my free Sunday paper. I guess not too many people use it because the cashiers are always confused by it lol!

  18. I love coupons,especially any that = free items after using the coupons~ πŸ™‚ I love the minute maid ones,purex and thinsations!

    ksceviour at hotmail dot com

  19. My favorite coupon in the scrubbing bubbles cleaner, buy one get one free. Kids at home with the summer off and company in from out of town, I’m always cleaning the bathroom. Also Clairol hair dye buy two get $6.00 off.

  20. I love any coupons!! I think my best coupon yet has been for a free box of Timothy K-Cups. You have to love free coffee!

  21. I love to save up my coupons for when items are on sale – then you can ususally get a product for next to nothing πŸ™‚

  22. my favorite coupon would have to be the off the cereal boxes right now, going to use these once the kids go back to school. otherwise any coupon is awesome. I live in a smaller town so prices can be a bit higher, so coupons are perfect.

  23. I like coupons for anything I use! I love Pampers coupons. Just had a $3.50 off coupon for Purina dog food which was also on sale! Also love those coupons for something FREE that come out sometimes.

  24. my fav are the royale or bounty ones. i save so much on my toilet paper and paper towel purchases. Saving on necessities woohoo!

  25. Coupons have allowed me to try new products that I would normally would have never bought.
    Especially since I get them so much cheaper then retail or FREE πŸ™‚

  26. all coupons are my favorites..but I do have a tip if you’re wanting to keep track of your savings. sounds complicated, but it works. here goes…keep all the receipts that you’ve used coupons on, once a month add all your coupon savings, take this amount of money out of the bank, put money in jar, envelope, etc., save money for special occassion such as Christmas, special item such a new bedding or certain period of time such as 6 months. SHOW THE MONEY AND BRAG (you also have bragging rights with friends & neighbours). above all, enjoy the free money you have saved.

  27. I love coupons that are for “real” food! The Kellogg’s breakfast promo was great! I find that a lot of coupons I find are for household, smelly stuff or processed foods that I probably wouldn’t buy with or without a coupon.

  28. My favourite coupon EVER was the Bounty/Charmin one that came out last fall, get them for free. Bought 6 things of toilet paper, lasted my household almost a year!! Found out a week later they were fake πŸ™

  29. I have 2 favorites right now. The $1.00 WUB2 Minute Maid (7 cents a can!!! WOO HOO) and hte FPC iced tea. Have been enjoying free iced tea all summer!

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