I’ve been thinking about this for a while, so many stores putting so many restrictions on couponing (thanks extreme couponers 🙁 ) so it’s a good idea to come up with creative ways to stock up your pantry and freezer. Every week I will pick the items in the flyers that are a good price and that I have coupons for – and I’ll pick a winner and quickly send them the coupons so they can stock up! 🙂 I don’t have coupons for everything necessarily, but most I think. So, here are the great deals this week:
Superstore has Grill’ems smokies on for 3.50 – there are 1$ off coupons for those.
Sobey’s has Olymel Chicken wings for 8.99 and buy 2 get 200 points – lots of 2$ off coupons for this.
Safeway has uncle ben’s rice for 2$ – 75 cents off’s for this. Bigger size international delights are 2 for 5$ – 75 cent offs for these.
Not too many crazy deals to stock up on this week – remember that safeway and sobey’s will have 10% off on tuesday too.
So, if you want some coupons for these items comment with which ones – i’ll pick 1 or 2 people tonight around 7pm and send out the coupons in the morning so they can be used next week! 🙂
I would love some coupons!
This is a great idea!! I could definately use the Chicken wing and international delight coupons!
i sure could use the Olymel chicken coupons! we recently tried them and my kids love them!!
The chicken is great! handy for a quick supper night with a salad.
It is the smokie’s i could use the coupons for.
Grill em’s or chicken wings would be great! Thank you, this is a great idea!
would love to try the olymel chicken,grill ems for my boys and I want to try the UB rissotto.We love trying products that are NEW to us,always interesting! (good or blehhh)
I would love the chicken wings and Grill ’ems!
I love the grill ems smokies! My husband loves chicken wings!
We love the Grill em’s!
The chicken wings and International Delight coupons would go to good use around here
The uncle ben’s rice and the international delight for SURE!! Thanks for this great contest!
I wondered where I could find the chicken!!! I have some of the $2.50 coupons and the $2 coupons!! Thanks Nadine!!!
sobey’s carolyn
I could for sure use the grill em’s Smokies and hot dogs have this pregnant lady going crazy! :p
Coupons are great when you can get things just a little bit cheaper.
I would do anything for those International Delight coupons!!!
Shoppers Drugmart has them on for $1.99, and my husband practically drinks that stuff!
Love coupons and deals!
International delight would be a delight and the smokies. I think those are my husbands 2 main food groups. lol
I’d love the chicken wings coupons. We love those here!
i love all kinds of coupons like to try things that are new too am new with couponing and love getting and using any coupons i can,,,,love this group glad i am in it thnc nadine…..
I would love some coupons please!!!!
Would love the Olymel or Grillems coupons.
Oops sorry my daughter hit the button a bit early. I was going to add the Grill’ems or international delight…my coffee needs a pick me up 🙂
Have you drawn? Am I in time?!?!? I have International Delight EVERY SINGLE MORNING in my pot of tea… and have yet to see a coupon for them (other then some last year ones that were expiring a day after my trade… PICK ME PLEASE!
Hey a good deal I got was at Walmart…toilet duck is on for $ 2.00 and in the 28th coupon inserts there was a Buy 1 get 1 free coupon. LOL I got 6 already !!
Great idea Nadine! I’d love some Grill ems coupons – the boys can’t get enough 🙂