St. Vital chain going out!

29 Jul

Good job ladies, chain made it back to me so quickly! I have a feeling will be gettingĀ  a few more soon too!

Here is the new order:

Laurel, Lauren, Deb, Renata, Shelley, Carmelina, Abbie, Stephanie


12 Replies to “St. Vital chain going out!

  1. So where do we update with where the chains are at? It’s not on the sidebar. Unless I just can’t find it.

    • Here for now – I will be adding one soon to the side though. I update my printed out sheets with all your comments, so I’m keeping track of them all old school too.

  2. I’m first and I haven’t received it yet. I can pick it up Nadine if you like–I didn’t hear back from you about that. I’m worried because I’m moving in a couple weeks!!

  3. did i get taken off the chain? i was on the april one but it never made it to me. i used to be on the st v/stb #1 with some of these names.

  4. Hi,
    Is this coupon chain still going? How does it work? I am new to couponing and this looks like something I could be interested in. If you could let me know how it works and if it’s still going on I’ll think about if it’s something I would like to do.

    Thanks in advance,
    Lauren W.

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