Mystery bags from Skip the Dishes

If you’re in the mood for something totally random, or you’re feeling lucky, check out the mystery bags on Skip the Dishes.

I have been trying for a while to get one, but they were always showing sold out. I’ve seen several videos of people across Canada getting them, and it’s a wide variety of grocery items.

Today by chance they had them in stock, so I decided to grab two. They are $10 each, but there was some sort of promo code on my account so I got a discount.

They showed up really quickly, within probably half an hour of me ordering it was on my doorstep.

Unfortunately they were both the exact same items. Not as exciting, but figured I would show you guys what I got.

The Pillsbury rolls dated the 29th, the rest is all good til August and beyond.

Everything was super cold and meals still frozen. I’ve never had the KD in those packages before, so you definitely have to be willing to try anything if you’re going to order this.

Definitely was not the most exciting, especially with both being identical. What do you guys think, is it worth ordering? I know in videos that I’ve seen people got a lot of produce, and more things like eggs and baked goods. Maybe it depends what time of day, or what city you’re in too.

And if you want to sign up, feel free to use my Skip the Dishes link.