MEC Paddlefest this weekend!
I love free family activities, and this is a great one! Here’s some info about it:
MEC Winnipeg Paddlefest at FortWhyte Alive @ 1961 McCreary Road June 9th from 10:00am to 4:00pm Free public admission – all are welcome!
So, what is Paddlesfest? It’s a great day to get out there and enjoy the day, and there are a tons of activities planned, here they are:
Ø Paddleswap (gear swap).
Ø Paddling instruction for kids, teens and adults.
Ø ‘Learn to Slackline’ session by MEC Winnipeg.
Ø Two Wilderness First Aid clinics taught by Neil McDonald of Wilderness Medical Associates – Paddler First Aid and Water Treatment for Paddlers.
Ø New product sales and boat demonstrations from Wilderness Supply and MEC Winnipeg.
Ø WAVPaddling and Hardcore Paddleboards demonstrations and top notch Instruction.
Ø B-Ride Surf Longboarding with Big Stick Land Paddles on site to try.
Ø Climbing wall provided by Vertical Adventures.
Ø Paddle Manitoba, Manitoba Whitewater Club, Parkland Paddling Club, and Paddle Canada will have representatives on site.
Ø FortWhyte Alive will offer numerous drop-in sessions – dipnetting on the boardwalks, canoe craft, bannock baking, carnival games, archery, voyageur canoe experience, and atl atl (prehistoric spear throwing!).
Ø Art City will run art sessions throughout the day – paddlers are encouraged to bring in their old paddles and have them decorated by the kids at Paddlefest.
All paddling clinic participants will be given a ‘Club Day’ card entitling them to 10 % off in-store purchases on June 22nd at MEC Winnipeg.
While canoes and kayaks and stand up paddleboards (SUPs) will be available for use at MEC Winnipeg Paddlefest, participants are welcome to bring their own boats and enjoy the lakes at FortWhyte Alive.
Advance registration for MEC Winnipeg Paddlefest is required.
participants can register by email at or online at the event site: