Time to kick March off right – it will be the blog’s 3 year anniversary and the perfect time to have our biggest coupon giveaway ever! And it really is insane, one lucky person will be winning $1000 in coupons!!! 🙂
Here are your ways to enter, you can do each of these daily, just make sure to comment seperately:
1 – post up a money saving tip
2 – tweet about the giveaway
3 – post up the link to the giveaway anywhere online, facebook, chatsite, mass email – anywhere but our own facebook group!
This giveaway is open to all Canadians and will end Monday March 5th at noon! Good Luck to everyone!
My money saving tip is to use store’s incentive programs to their fullest. For example, don’t simply buy items at Safeway because they have Airmiles…take the time to determine their value and see if it really is beneficial in the long run!
You can wash your swiffers and reuse them over and over
Use a credit card that offers points that can be used for savings. Example. PC Mastercard that can save money to get free groceries!
My money saving tip is to make sure you go to safeway on the first tuesday to get 10% off or 10x the airmiles.
My tip of the day…Always keep your oil change, tires rotated and overall vehicle care up to date. The money you spend doing it will far outweigh wear and tear on your vehicle if you don’t.
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Take an inventory of your items you have in your house, go to all the company websites and join their clubs and newsletters and you will get emails and mail out coupons from them regularly. Also sometimes they have coupons on the sites. 🙂
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Trade coupons with friends!
Are u serious $1000 in coupons! That’s awesome.
Follow Nadine’s blog for extra tips on where to save money $$$$$ 🙂
Visit this website regularly to get lots of great info on freebies, deals etc!
Complain! Don’t waste your money by not complaining if you have purchased something which is unsatisfactory. I’ve read this somewhere and it makes sense!
Shared on Facebook. What a crazy giveaway!!!
Money saving tip – just don’t collect coupons – use them!
Posted info on your blog on my facebook page!
We buy a 1/2 side of beef once a year from a cattle rancher, we buy our honey from an apiary and our potatoes from the Potato Farm. We grow our own veggies in our garden and I can or freeze what I’m able to. Buy direct from the grower or producer and cut out the middle man will save you lots of money!
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Network with other parents to trade toys and hand me down clothes.
Only buy what you’ll use before things expire!
To save money, I am going to cloth diaper my baby from birth.
I would say to flyer watch to see when things are going on sale, and stock up on things if they are good price and you will use them until the next sale
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Messaged my fb friends about this one 🙂
Money saving tip – remember to watch prices at the checkout and if something scans at a higher price than the shelf tag, ask if they follow the scanning code of practice, and you get the item free or up to $10 off. Walmart & Shoppers do this, I’ve gotten free stuff.
Take time to read the weekly flyers for sales and try to combine those deals with coupons or other in-store promos (10% days, club points, etc.).
Take your time looking thru flyers when you get them, and circle the deals of the items that you think you`ll be purchasing. If you end up going somewhere like LD or Zellers that will price match, you already ahve the items circled for faster price matching.
Money saving tip: Costco for baking supplies (flour, brown sugar, chocolate chips) & Canadian Wholesale (Oats). I save a BUNDLE buying my stuff there!!!
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Keep a notebook with the items you regularly buy and track the sale price of it as well as when (and where) it went on sale to figure out when you should stock up. And don’t forget to search the web for coupons before you go!
go to the store with a list and a budget. A sale is not a sale if you 1 do not use it 2 buy on a credit card and then pay interest 3 it spoils before you use it.
installed energy efficient light bulbs in all the outlets/lamps in the house….
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Make meals from scratch…way cheaper than buying prepared, and it’s healthier!
Check clearance shelves. Can usually find some cheap things there.
Do research before you buy. Sometimes because something is cheaper doesn’t mean it’s better! Make sure you are getting the bang for every penny!
Do your reseach before you buy! Sometimes the cheapest isn’t the best and you aren’t getting the most bang for you pennies!
Money saving tip is refill your swiffer bottles ith Pinesol or some other floor cleaning solution to save on buying the refill bottles for 6 or 7 dollars each
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Watch for sales and stock up on anything you are able to. Ad match whenever you are able to!!!!
I always try to pick up popular toys and books when I see them on sale. There’s always a birthday party or baby shower around the corner in this house. I also buy the greeting card box at Costco which is a great deal.
I try to pick up my kids birthday presents when i see them at a good price even if their birthday isn’t for a number of months.
My money saving tip would be to visit this site often for Nadine’s tips!
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Dave money by checking out group buy websites.
Save money by checking out group buy websites.
Flyer watch to get the most for your coupons.
My tip bring along your flyers when you shop. Superstore/Zellers and Walmart I know will price match competitors flyers and it will save you a trip to the other stores.
Always carry your coupons with you!
I just posted to my FB timeline!
always carry your coupons with you ,never know when you will see a sale and can use your coupons to get great deals…i always have coupons in my purse..would sure love to get alot more coupons ..
My tip for today: If you don’t have the money for it, and it isn’t a necessity, don’t buy it. Even if you really really really want it. I’ve saved tons by avoiding those darn impulse buys!
Use swagbucks as a search engine and earn points for free gift cards for amazon, PayPal etc.
I have 2 friends signed up to get me formula coupons
Money saving tip – when buying something online, Google for a coupon or promotion code to use for your purchase. There’s always a code you can find (free shipping, 10% off, etc).
Save money on fabric softener. Cut a sponge in a few pieces put in a container and add softener , for each load just add a piece of sponge into load. Once load is do e stick back into softener.
When planning a trip, sign up for the deal alert sites (like Groupon) for that city. You can snag some great discounts for your trip!
Check the clearance section when you go shopping…can get some really great deals this way
I never impulse buy. I plan my shopping trips and I avoid overspending
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Costco. I bought a small pack of dinner napkins at Superstore for $3 and then realized I could have bought much higher quality ones at Costco for $8 – and get 8 times as much. As long as you have the storage space, it is absolutely worth it.
Buy in Bulk at a farmer’s market in the summer and freeze the veggies and make jams, pickles etc. it really is economical. also, take advantage of the people giving away veggies for free – always lots of tomatoes and zucchini!
always check the clearence section in every store and shop with budget
A money saving tip is to buy in bulk. Also, bring your coupons with you wherever you go. You never know when you will get a great deal 🙂
Plan (and cook them) a few meatless or almost meatless meals a week. Meat can be expensive. Meals like Chili (only little meat required use lots of beans), pasta, spaghetti squash, veggie pizza, soups ect.
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Coupons and clearance sections make for cheap or free products.
Meal plan, so you don’t have to go through the drive thru on the way home. Have few quick fall back meals.
Cash back visa!
Carry coupons everywhere ! Buy gifts when on sale , that way you’re always prepared !
20X your pts events at shoppers!! I use it mostly for groceries (including milk), buy my minimum $50, buy mostly sale items and use coupons. It doesn’t take long for those points to add up.
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Money saving tip for today is to look at a flyer and what you need and make a list, and stick to it. It can get expensive to stray from it
Plant a garden! Big or small!
Do not go grocery shopping when you’re hungry – it sounds silly but it really does make a difference!
Stock up on things you use everyday while they are on sale.
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Keep coupon books (i.e. show and save, entertainment book) in the car that way you always have it on hand when you go somewhere and won’t forget to take it along. Whenever I go somewhere I double check the book to see if there is a coupon.
Money Saving Tip – Join Red River Co-op for gas! It’s fantastic to get money back for getting gas. You were going to get it anyways. And usually RR Co-op is the average price around the city.
Join as many coupon groups as u can. U can never learn to much about stretching a dollar!!!
Money saving tip – compare price per kg on things like meat, and price per unit on other items. Example – Costco recently had a name brand toilet paper on sale, but their Kirkland brand was still cheaper when you compared price per square metre because their package had a different number of rolls and more sheets per roll. The package price did not reflect the unit price. They have unit pricing on all their shelf tags at Costco, other stores are now doing it too (price per kg, per xx ml, etc).
A money saving tip is to of course use coupons!
ksceviour at hotmail dot com
I tweeted (@ksceviour) I tried to paste my link but it wouldnt let me?
Money saving tip: keep your grocery list small by buying only items you’ll need in the week ahead – that way you won’t waste and you’ll have exactly what you need!
Become familiar with your favourite stores’ clearance areas and check them out when in store every time – match a clearance item with a coupon and you are saving big!
I use my airmiles credit card like a debit card….every month I put our food, gas, clothing, etc budget onto it and then just use it to pay for everything! Works out to at least an extra 100 airmiles a month!!
Joining the sobeys club has literally saved me hundred’s of dollars cause i always do my grocery shopping there anyway so you can accummulate points very fast and the points r redeemed for free groceries !! I usually save my points till they get to $50.00 then go in and get roughly that amount and then its a free trip lol 🙂
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I collect points on my credit card….and use them to get so much stuff. I make sure I do not carry a balance so those points are not costing me in the long run!
My saving tip is one that’s saved us some money as much as it seems obvious its easier said than done…make sure you only purchase groceries that you will consume..we’ve realized how much food would constantly get thrown out every week. Be careful on the purchases that have such a short life time, mainly things in the fridge. Further, make a point to eat all leftovers.
Tip – Don’t go shopping on an empty stomach. If you do, you tend to buy more and impulse buy on treats
If it’s not on sale, don’t buy it!
Buy extra when on sale and freeze things when you can. Peanut butter, Meat, Pasta sauce!
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i just tweeted! what a great giveaway!
I buy toys when they are on clearance right after Christmas and each month, I take $20 to put towards toys to donate at Christmas time to a local charity – Helping Hands in Niverville, or Siloam Mission in Winnipeg. It doesn’t necessarily save me money, but I get the opportunity to teach my kids the importance of “pay it forward” and by getting these on clearance, you get SO much more! 🙂
I shop the sales fliers, and make lists of what I need from each store, otherwise I forget and impulse buy.
I also watch for sales and coupons for items we haven’t tried but would like to, so that if we don’t like something, we don’t waste a lot of money on it.
I’ve also started to make a menu at the start of the week on the fridge. We use a dry-erase board from Dollarama, and I make a quick menu on Sunday nights. We will sometimes switch around the meals, or erase one for left-overs. At bedtime, I will take tomorrow’s meal out of the freezer so it’s thawed in time for supper the next day. If I already have it thawed, I’m less likely to order take-out because I don’t want to cook. Since we’ve started to do this, we eat out a lot less, and I am cooking at home a lot more. I am also looking forward to cooking again.
Take advantage of price match. Why pay for gas if you don’t have to…
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Only buy things that are on sale if you need them, don’t buy just because it’s a good deal and you already have lots of it. And always use coupons!
Money saving tip: Use rags or washable cleaning cloths instead of paper towels when possible.
Combine sales with coupons for the biggest savings.
Always shop sales items when SDM has bonus points events 🙂
daily tweet
use the food flyers to do your weekly meal planning. you will save $$$ because everything you need and use will be on sale and the bonus is you will not be tempted to eat out or order in since you have it all planned out.
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thanx for the HUGE give-away Nadine!!!
order beef from a butcher, it is usually (if you check it out) much cheaper
Use points and coupons at the same time
Don’t just buy it because you have a coupon for it =)
Always keep your eyes open for a coupon you just never know where one will pop up and for what product one may not be there today but could be there tomorrow or the days after. Learn to look for tearpads.
Cloth diapering and watch those flyers!
Install low flow shower heads and low flow toilets. It will save you $$ on water.
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try to be very aware of your expiry dates
You can save money by eating at home instead of eating out.
daily entry:
My tip-Price match, and of course coupons
daily tweet
Contact companies whose products you use and ask for coupons
Carpool when you can, even if it’s just to the store.
I love to collect shoppers points and redeem them
Know what a good price is I used to think I knew what one was boy was I wrong. A good sale with a coupon means a great sale and deal.
I found out yesterday that Costco has meat packages you can order to save more. I have no idea what they are but will be looking into them…and maybe having to share…
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My tip today is to follow people like Nadine on Facebook, so that you can keep up to date with the deals
Make a meal plan and then a grocery list from that. You’ll have only what you need and you can wen try to base it on coupons you have on hand for more savings. Less waste going into the garbage. But only plan for 5 days. That leaves one or two days to eat any left overs and maybe one day for take out if your family is into that.
Shared on fb wall again today… Really hoping someone I know wins this one and we are all going to share!!
Use a credit card that uses points
I use cloth diapers! Way cheaper and better for the environment!
Switch to energy saving lightbulbs!
Never shop hungry.
clearance shelves are sometimes treasure zones.
Join a coupon train!!!
Moneysaving tip of the day: Before putting a “stocking up” sale/coupon item into the cart, ask: do I need it SOON? Will it go on sale again before I run out?
money saving tip is to stock up on items that are on sale and rarely go on sale, but have a long expiry date. This is especially good for essentials (things you use often) as well.
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Use coupons when buying diapers.
Never buy more the what your going to use.
Always pay attention to the dates that inserts are to come out in newspapers – often well worth the price of a weekend paper to get sometimes $50+ worth of coupons.
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Don’t buy items that you won’t use just because you have a coupon.
posted tweeted commented yah done
Buy gas where you buy groceries.
Match flyer sales with coupons.
Pick a month and make it your goal to clear out your cupboards and the freezer during that month. I do this once or twice a year. Try to stay away from a “big shop” for a few weeks during that month and eat whatever you have on hand right down to the jello.
I tweeted today,but cant leave link @ksceviour
money saving tip..stock up when item is on sale..
Make a list and stick to it – every time I don’t I always over pay
Money saving tip of the day: grow your own vegetables.
If you don’t have room for a garden, consider a shared plot. We spend about $30-50/year in seeds and bedding plants, and come away with hundreds of dollars worth of produce each year. And it’s organic! 🙂
Keep your coupons with you when you know you’ll be going shopping. There’s nothing worse then coming across and unexpected deal, and KNOWING you have a $ off coupon at home that can be used in conjunction with the deal…
using coupons in conjunction with sales saves a lot of money and sometimes you get things free.
Take advantage of store’s point systems. I know they can take up a lot of room in you wallet but it adds up to free stuff!
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dont buystuff u dont use just cause u have a coupon
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I visit this website everyday… Tons Of awesome deals!!!
Shared again on Facebook… Hopefully people are listening
buying groceries at Dollarama. You would be surprised the stuff you can find in there.
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trade coupons with friends and join a great coupon chain
Running out of tips lol. Read this blog for the low down on deals and savings!
Know your prices
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Use Pinterest instead of buying magazines!!
I like to match sales with coupons.
Let’s see….buying things like spices and coffee filters ..little stuff getting them at dollarama seems to work just fine and could save you over 90% compared to name brands of certain items.
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Join a coupon chain
Planning ahead saves a lot of money — you can watch for sales for gifts, groceries, etc…but you have to remember only to buy what you need
Always use you coupons with sale items to maximize your savings. Check out the clearance areas in stores as well and see if you can combine any of your coupons with reduced items for even more savings.
Check out MB Hydro for rebate options for new toilets, getting rid of old fridges etc…
Bring a calculator when you go shopping to crunch the numbers. Smetimes its cheaper per serving to NOT buy in bulk.
daily tweet
Make your own yogurt.
Try to grow and freeze as many of your own vegetables/fruits as you can.
Buy fruits and veggies that are “in season”.
Tip – I’ve read that it’s a great idea to turn off your hot water tank when you’re on vacation
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Budget! And stick to it
check for the instore coupons! They have great deals!
One facebook
I have so many friends having babies right now that I visit the baby section regularly to stock up on the outfitts/ baby supplies that are on sale. Then I always have something on hand and aren’t having to run out and buy something more expensive last minute.
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Shared on FB again.
Use a slow cooker-that way days your working late or just to tired no need for eating out as your meal is already ready for you.
Never leave the house without your coupons! You never know…
Train your husband to look for coupons lol. My hubby brigs home coupons now 🙂
I think the program I have found for saving money so far is the Eco Fit Program through Manitoba Hydro, The program will send you shower heads,nozzle etc., and also insulation to fit around your water tank.! The best part is it is all FREE! The only thing you have to do is fill out the questionairre accordingly and they send it out to you within 10 days.
When local fruit is in season, freeze it to use all winter long. I turn Rhubarb & apples in to puree and freeze it to bake with.
For me, the best way to save money is only buy what you really need. I used to buy so much just because it was on sale, or I had a coupon for it, and ended up throwing so much away.
I tweeted again today! @ksceviour
Stock you desk at work with granola bars and other munchies so you don’t spend money at the vending machines.
Share!! I love saving money, but I also love helping other people share money! I leave coupons I won’t use on the shelves of the item! Hopefully it makes someone’s day!
Don’t spend more than you make! If you can avoid credit cards, DO IT!
Just put the link on Facebook!
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get to know your stores clearence area(s) and also learn what expiry dates really mean
use your airmiles credit card
Do you laundry in cold water.
Fb post
Make a list and stick with it.
Conserve water! It’s ridiculous how much water the average Canadian uses in a day!
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Take advantage of pre-loved (second hand) stores…they will often have some good, name brand clothing (especially if you go across the border), for a fraction of the price.
Having a garden!! We’re planting our first garden this spring and we can’t wait.
WOOHOO Facebook!!! 😀
Buy things ahead of time when they go on sale at the end of the season
Shop on 10% percent Tuesdays!!!!
Keep track where money is being spent. Its shocking how many people have no idea how much money is spent at certain stores in a week/month/year. Places such as coffee shops/fast food/dollar stores. Places where you only think is a few dollars here and their-turns out you could be spending $300+ dollars a year on nothing.
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If you have a baby, make your own baby food. It is so much cheaper, easy to do. I did one afternoon every month and had tons of food to last me the month. And I knew what was in it
coupon coupon coupon, every penny counts to add up to large savings.
Combine coupons with store points promos for the most bang for your buck
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Make sure to pick up staples on sale. Saves you a bunch.
stock up on summer things like powerade and outdoor toys when they r on sale in the winter and vise versa for things in the summer. You can get some stuff like 80% if you time it right. I got a pair of winter boots on clearance in feb at walmart for $5.00.
Patience is the key to stocking up lol
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Switch cable company and always be on the promo deal.
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