Garage Sales in Winnipeg this weekend!!
Looks like a great weekend for garage sales, and there are some really good ones coming up!
– Multi Family Garage sale on Saturday from 8 till 3:30 at 31 Drayton Bay
– GARAGE SALE with a variety items for everyone. Includes: housewares, dishes, appliances, books (adult & children), toys. Children’s bikes, Clothes, seasonal, Tools (Beaver radial arm saw). 124 DONEGAL BAY – R2K 2B6 TIME : SATURDAY / SUNDAY 11AM-4PM
– 99 Attache Drive, Garden City Saturday, May 2nd from 10am to 3pm Toys, electronics, central vac just to name a few items.
– Saturday, May 2 and Sunday, May 3 at 291 Riel Avenue. They will have furniture, housewares, clothing and other knickknacks – 9am to 3pm
– multi family yard sale on May 2nd from 9-3. The address is 294 Le peress Ave
– Harold Hatcher Spring Bazaar & Bake Sale 500 Redonda Street May 2nd 2015. 10am-3 PM
Admission is $1 which will enter you into a door prize.
There will also be a silent auction
We will have a Canteen Lunch for a low price and free coffee for Everyone
All money raised goes towards the remodelling of our school library
If you want to be included in the weekly list, email me at the week of the sale – cutoff is Thursday at noon. Include all the info, address, time, date, what you’ll be selling etc.