I’ve finally had the time to go through all of your emails and organize them all by area – thanks to those who were very specific! You might not be in your exact area, some people were the only ones for quite a while so i’ve added them to the closest area there was. Remember when you get the chain to come back here and update that you got it, who you are sending it to and when. Let’s keep them going, and well updated. 🙂
Polo Park – michelle b, lori l, sarah l
Outside City – emma h, meagan s, shannon a, paula g, shannon k, evelyn d, tracy d, angela b
out of province – melanie b, tennille f
grant park – rachel a, robin m, tessa p, cassandra f, eva t, marilyn k
east and north kildonan – misty k, barbara h, carrie p, jenn ek, jodie m, lora m, leah b, makayla g
charleswood – alison k, tracy h, amara l, juanita e
outside city#2 – carolyn s, angelynn n, julie h, nicola d, christina d
transcona – julia k, kim h, silvia d, jeannette p
u of m – annie o, june t, laurel t, barb w, earl a, joanne r, tracy a, rebecca w
steinbach – jen p, dayna s, angela b
st vital – abbie m, nicole f, violeta b, shelley m, melanie h, renata t, wendy d, tara t, donna d
west kildonan/garden city – debby c, carla p, karen ks, bj w, catia z, april r
Most are a lot smaller this time too, should be a lot easier to keep track of – good luck everyone! I’ll be mailing them out in the next few days out, so if you’re first on the list expect them soon! 🙂
Why was I taken off the Train???
which chain are you supposed to be on? and did you email me to be added?
Yeah cant wait:)
Michelle D and myself are not on the out of the city chains?
I didn’t get an email to add you, but if you email me i can add you for the next round.
Can I be changed? I am way closer to polo park than garden city.
they’re already mailed out – email me and i can change it for the next one.
Sweet thanks!!
Out of province Tannielle F, let me know what kind of coupons your interested in seems it is just the 2 of us! [email protected]
it made me laugh when i was sending yours – it’s like the tenille and supermel party! 🙂 I know last time we had a bunch more people from out of province, so assuming at some point there will be quite a bit more.
We’ll have it back to you in record time LOL 🙂
Thank you so much for your work in organizing this for all of us!!!
no problem! i hope these chains all make their way quickly! they’re in the mail already. it’s my favourite way to get coupons now, you get such a good variety in the mix.
Am I not on the St. Vital chain anymore??
Thanks for all you’ve done Nadine! Cannot wait to get this in the mail 😀
Thank you Nadine for setting this up for all of us…can’t wait. I am not sure if you sent the coupons from the contest before but I have not received them yet. Please let me know if you need more info…thanks!
Received the PoloPark chain and drop off to Lori L tonight. I will also add this to the coupon chain link. Wasn’t sure which one to mention this in.
Nadine, how come i’m off the train as well?
technically everyone is off as this is a brand new chain. did you email to be added? i posted tons of reminders here and on facebook to let people know – for anyone who hasn’t been added to this one, they’re already moving super quickly so a good time to add your name for the next one.
Please add me for the next one!