Got a few chains back, here are the new ones going out:
Polo Park 2 – megan, laura, justina, tracy, tamara, jennifer, patricia
u of m#2 – earlene, sheri, laura, laurel, michelle, june, sandra
u of m#1 – annie, rebecca, joanne, barb, jenna, tracy
Remember everyone to keep updating when you receive them! 🙂
I really want to join a chain but i haven’t received a e-mail back from you. 🙁
Yeah! Got the out of province last week and got it out the next day!
I really want to join the chain but did not recieve an email
I got coupons for St. Vital 2 on Saturday and I passed it to next person yesterday.
Thanks guys.
Sent to Laura for U of M coupon chain.