2024 CSA boxes in Manitoba - Community Supported Agriculture

If you don’t have a garden or don’t have the time to garden and still want a lot of fresh local produce, a CSA box is a great option.
You get all kinds of produce straight from the farm. Some of them deliver, some of them you pick up at different locations. You can choose from different varieties of boxes too, some of them offered every week, every 2 weeks, etc. Different sizes too depending on your family and how much you eat. Lots of great choices.
We’ve been doing it for a few years, and have really enjoyed it. You get to try all kinds of new stuff too, and it’s nice that everything is very fresh and local.
You can also split it with another family or friends too if you want to cut the cost a bit.
Here are your choices for 2024:
– Hnatiuk Gardens has a full share and a half share.
– Boundary Creek farm has two sizes and two different time lengths to choose from.
– Wild earth farms has weekly or bi-weekly boxes.
– Almost urban vegetables has two sizes to choose from.
– Jonathan’s farm has a summer CSA, but also a winter one and also online shopping.
– Food Ethos has a lot of different monthly meat subscriptions you can choose from.
– Elemental earth gardens has two sizes to choose from.