1400 members on facebook giveaway! :)

30 Dec

I’ve been promising for a while that when we reach 1400 in our facebook group I would do a full price giveaway! Well, it’s on! 🙂 🙂

One lucky winner will win 2 or 3 full price coupons from my personal stash – to enter just post a comment here, a joke, a money saving tip, a new years resolution…whatever you want! One entry per household and open to all Canadians. Contest will end Jan 3rd at noon – good luck everyone!

And if you haven’t joined our awesome facebook group come check it out here

72 Replies to “1400 members on facebook giveaway! :)

  1. Yay! One of my New Year’s Resolutions is to be more prepared and plan out my shopping trips, so I can save as much as I can! 🙂

  2. One of my New Year`s resolutions is to become financially fit. Less impulse spending, more meal planning. I am going to use a spending diary starting January 1st to track my spending, as well as money coming in, for as long as I can! (Hopefully at least 3 months!)

  3. Congrats on 1400!

    My child comes into my room in the middle of the night and says “Mommy there’s monsters under my bed”.
    I reply “That impossible, they are all under mine”.
    Needless to say, he ran back to his bed and I kept sleeping!

  4. Awesome on reaching 1400. Not sure about a money saving tip because I just spent lots of money but if anyone is into scrapbooking and has a Slice machine they are clearing all their cards out for 9.99!

  5. I usually carry certain receipts with me (in wallet) for a few months after making the purchase in case an item is on sale the next time I go back. Many times got the money difference from Walmart, Canadian Tire and Costco.

  6. Yup, my tip is the same….always carry your coupon binder with you since you never know what you’ll come across on clearance (or something on sale that wasn’t necessarily in the flyer!)

  7. I’m thinking of doing a 100 day challenge rather than new years resolution.
    You set concrete goals that last 10 days (or whatever you set) at a time for the 100 days. (eg. only shop 3 times every 10 days)
    I haven’t quite decided what it’s going to be yet, but will soon.

  8. What did one snowman say to the other? Do you smell carrots? I have a fantastic Christmas and hope everyone else did also!!! Happy New Year !!!

  9. Sign up for the ‘daily deal’ sites like Groupon and Dealfind; you never know when they will offer a deal for a place that you already frequent, or one you’ve always wanted to try.

  10. Congrats! I am horrible at remembering any jokes at all,so I will leave my new years resolution..to get more active and try to start to eat healthier!
    ksceviour at hotmail dot com

  11. If you find a deal… STOCK UP! I never noticed until “Extreme Couponing” brought it to my attention that things go on sale about every 3 months or so. Now I try to stock up a few months worth whenever I see one of my household staples on sale… 950g pasta and 1$ Ragu is never going to go bad in my house LOL!

  12. My resolution is to be more organized! Trying to meal plan and plan my shopping and meals around what’s on sale. Utilizing my coupons before they expire.

  13. Happy New Year!

    One of the ways that we save $$ is that hubby cuts his own hair, yep with a shaver. Probably every fourth cut he will get it done professionally but he does a great job.

    Keep your eyes open on facebook, lots of companies have coupons/contests/giveaways.

  14. congrats on the 1400!! luv the blog, thanx for all your hard work Nadine.
    Happy New Year everyone..let’s just strive to be the best we can be.

  15. Looking forward to 2012 being my first full year of couponing – I just started in October. Your website has been a huge help in findind deals!! Thank you so much and congrats on reaching 1400 on Facebook!

  16. We’re not really resolution people, but we’ve decided to set some goals for different areas of our lives. This is the first year we’ve come up with specific goals based on where we’d like to see change in different areas of our lives by the end of 2012. Should be fun!! 🙂

  17. I’d love to win a few coupons! My coupon binders got stolen from our car 2 weeks ago when my husband accidentally left it unlocked overnight, nothing else of value in the car but they took my coupons!

  18. This is a really good idea! I’ve gotten lots of tips from your Facebook page so happy to join this group too! New Year’s Resolution last year was to de-clutter and organize, so this year’s resolution is to NOT overspend and overbuy.

  19. I’m trying to recycle my extra coupons by a)joining your train b) helping out neighbours and friends esp. those with specific dietary/medical needs that I can get coupons for and c) RAOK at grocery stores when I’m in line or before they expire left on shelves(sorry to those that have to clean these up at stores!)

  20. My husband and I have a goal…to go to Hawaii for our anniversary in Nov 2014, so we have started a dedicated sub account in order to get there… any birthday money, extra surprise bonus money or overtime is allotted to help us pay for this exciting vacation… we can do it! This may be our first trip we had paid for before taking it, if it all comes together.

  21. New Year’s Resolution: to try to put in a better effort at couponing. My intentions are good; maybe I’m just lazy…lol

  22. Happy New Year! My New Year’s plan is to just try to keep organized and declutter, continue to make weekly menus, watch for sales and make donations when we can.

  23. I always try and shop for kids clothes the year before at the end of season when everything goes on clearance instead of tryin to buy at the beginning and having to buy everything full price.

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