Gorp Ready Mix – my take on it and enter to win a free bag!! ****Closed

29 Nov

If you’re a big fan of Gorp, you know that it can get pretty expensive to buy a lot of. Especially if you’ve got kids! And for us, the bars were too big for the kiddo and you end up with a lot of half eaten bars in sealed bags, or with chip clips.

So, when I was asked to review the Ready Mix bag I was super excited! What a neat idea! You just add in a few simple ingredients at home and make your own!

The bags are really reasonably priced and they make 25 bars each. You just add in a few things, like peanut butter, honey etc.   Another great thing with making them at home is you can add more or less or extra stuff too!!

We tried out the Peanut Butter and Raspberry and it was so simple! We figured since this was a healthy mix, let’s make our own peanut butter. Which ends up taking 3 minutes in the food processor and I will be making this from now on too! Just melt that with the honey, and then mix mix mix!

There’s no baking involved, just melting the add in liquids so super kid friendly too! We had fun making it! Once it’s all mixed, you place it in on a lined cookie sheet and really press down to form the bars. Or, if you have a kiddo, we decided to just turn them into Gorp balls. They varied in size, but it ended up making 68 balls! Ended up refilling the bag the mix came in – which it’s made to reuse, how awesome is that! Plus another Ziploc bag full of them! And they’re the perfect snack size for kids! Kiddo now eats a banana and a Gorp ball for breakfast, convenient and fast.

I like that we have these in the fridge now. I’m the worst for not eating breakfast, and I don’t like to eat a lot, so just grabbing one is simple and easy and I find myself not starving by lunch time.

I really like how much you can customize them too, make them work for your family and you. Perfect for breakfast, snacks, to bring along in the car for when you’re on the go. These snacks will end up saving you a lot that way!

The bags of ready mix are $22 online and you can also buy them at local stores. I found that to be a great price for what you get. It ends up saving you a lot vs. buying even just a few bars. And if you’re worried that you won’t eat 25 bars in a week or whatever, don’t worry – it lasts up to a month in the fridge!

I love that the company did this to make their product affordable for everyone. You get the same mix they use at the company when they make them, I was surprised at how much is in the mix! It’s full of nuts and seeds etc. Super filling.

And happy to say I have one bag of the Cocoa, Hemp and Almond Ready Mix to give away to one lucky person!

Here are your ways to enter:

1 – Check out the Gorp website and comment with which of their products you can’t wait to try, or is your fave already!

2 – Like Gorp on facebook and comment that you did so

3 – Post the link to this giveaway on facebook and comment that you did so

This is a local giveaway, so the winner will have to be in Winnipeg for prize dropoff. Giveaway will end Tuesday Dec. 5th at noon!


****Congrats to Melanie who win the Gorp!

42 Replies to “Gorp Ready Mix – my take on it and enter to win a free bag!! ****Closed

  1. I would like to try the cocoa, hemp and almond mix. Liked Gorp on Facebook. Posted link on
    Facebook! Thank you for a great giveaway for a local company!

  2. This is great! Did you know the bars were re-sealable? Just peel back the sticker, fold over the package and re-seal 🙂 No more clips needed!
    Also – the prepared balls / bars will last up to 3 months in the fridge!
    Great review – thank you so much!
    Jen (from GORP!)

  3. Hanks for the great giveaway! I’ve never tried the ginger snap and apple flavour, so I’m the most curious about this tone.

  4. I wouldn’t mind trying any of it
    I’ve been seeing it at some stores but I haven’t got one yet
    Maybe I will now
    Liked and shared

  5. I did not know this product existed!!! Gorp bars are SO good, and the ability to make them myself at home is something I deffinitly want to try!!!

  6. I would love to try the peanutbutter and Raspberry ones, and I know my Husband has wanted to try the Gorp products for a long time. Posted this on facebook, and liked their page.

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