Who wants to win an Avon Prizepack? #WinInWinnipeg

avon Hi my name is Jodi and I am an Independant Sales Representative with Avon. I have been happily serving the Winnipeg area for almost 17 years.Please feel free to visit my website to view the latest brochure or contact me at jfrechette@mts.net and I’d be happy to drop a brochure off in your mailbox.

Jodi has put together an amazing prize pack to give away – $160 in Avon products plus the lovely tote bag!

A great way to try out all kinds of new Avon products – what an awesome gift!!

Here are your ways to enter:

1- Check out Jodi’s website and comment with which stocking stuff you like the best!

2 – Tweet out the link to this giveaway – remember to use the Hashtag and comment that you did so

3 – Put the link to this giveaway as your facebook status and comment that you did so

Remember, this giveaway will end at 9pm and is for Manitobans only 🙂 Good Luck!