What will Walmart ship for free? One of my laziest money saving tips ever! :)

walmart Walmart had their big anniversary sale this week, they had some pretty great deals on a few things. I really didn’t want to drive all the way to the store and fight the crowds, so when I got an email from them saying free shipping I checked out their site more. I thought there would be a minimum amount to spend, and that they wouldn’t ship out larger items….boy, was I wrong!!

I ordered 3 packs of the Charmin toilet paper that was on sale, 30 double rolls for $7.86 each, and Bounty paper towels – a 12 pack for $7.86 also. The site said it would ship for free, but I still didn’t even really believe it!

2 huge boxes came by Canada Post yesterday! I can’t believe this was all delivered for free!

A great way to save money in so many ways, you don’t have to drive down to the store to get the one or two big deals of the week!! No starting the car, no fighting the crowds, spending time there, bringing kids along etc.  A great way to take advantage of blow out prices from the comfort of your own home! And since there’s no minimum amount you can really just shop just the deals you want for that week!

So, what will Walmart deliver? No frozen food or perishables of course, but they will ship things like laundry soap and cleaning products for free, as well as most other things on their web site! It’s marked right away if it qualifies for free shipping, you can even search the section you want for items that will ship free only! You can even search by clearance and rollbacks too to find those great deals!! I didn’t have to load a cart, checkout, load my car, drive home and bring it all in the house – the mailman brought it right to the door for me!! And it tells you right away if the item is in stock or not too so not driving to the store to find they’ve already sold out.

A great idea for those without a car, seniors, or people like me who didn’t want to bother heading to Walmart at 9pm to pick up a good deal! Not sure if they ship to p.o. boxes or not, but if you live out of town it’s worth looking into! My total order was $44 with taxes and we are now well stocked for the entire winter!! I will be keeping a closer eye on their flyers from now on for these big deals for sure!


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