Value Village Sale

26 Aug

Monday Aug 29th Value Village is having a 50% off sale from 7am to 9pm. It’s for clothing, accessories, shoes, bed and bath. It excludes new merchandise (red tags), books, housewares and furniture.

Someone said on facebook that if you become a member you get to go shop the sale on saturday – I signed up, curious to see if it’s true. Waiting on their email. My husband tries to buy work pants there, they always get ripped up so no point in spending too much on them. What does everyone else buy at Value Village?

4 Replies to “Value Village Sale

  1. I believe it is the last 2 hours the night before the sale that club members can shop. I like to buy jeans for myself. They are prewashed and easy to find sizes that fit me. I’ve had better luck finding jeans that I love from value village for way lower prices. I also like buying puzzles and jackets for my kids!

  2. I have a friend that goes out and scopes out the clothing in a couple stores in the week before a sale in the sizes her kids will be going into then she knows the best store to go to.
    I go when ever the kids have a babysitter and try to buy pants for my 3 kids and party dresses for my daughter. I have hit super deals in clothing but my friend walks out with the jackpot every time, I feel it is due to the prep she puts into her used clothes shopping.
    My husband and I try to buy all the kids clothes new on a great sale or used while we can because one of these day the kids will want the more expensive items.

    • Sounds like a good idea to “preshop” if you have a bunch of kids. Would be worth taking a look the day before. I’m guessing it’s going to be a crazy sale!

  3. Value Village isn’t the amazing place it once was – those guys who started this whole thing aren’t zillionaires by coincidence. I keep reading how people feel ripped off. IF you are a thrift shopper, it’s not hard to find the good stuff and I don’t know about the rest of you but paying $25 for a t-shirt, or $100+ for blue jeans is just not a happening thing with me. I give the gently worn things to a charity that gives clothes to women who are getting back in to the work place after trauma in their relationship. It makes me feel good and someone else (like VV Boutique) isn’t just getting richer. So, back to the deals … learning to be a thrift shopper doesn’t happen overnight but once you get the hang of it, and KNOW what is a deal and what isn’t, you can save THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS of dollars and look like you spend your life in a mall, “shopping”. Not sure what’s in and what’s not; shop the windows of the malls for the ‘look’ and then put your spin on it with 2nd hand clothes. If nothing else, you are NOT going to find yourself at the same party or club with anyone wearing what you have on.
    That’s my take on it. Sally Ann Thrift store is getting more pricey too but what isn’t … just don’t buy it if it costs too much or remind yourself what someone else paid for it new – then it’s always a deal.

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