Toys R Us Moonlight Madness Sale!

This Friday night it’s Moonlight Madness at Toys R Us again – lots of timed specials and if you spend $100 or more you get 75 airmiles.

At 7pm there’s a Step 2 canopy wagon for $70 – half price. A leap frog touch magic discovery town toy for $15, half price and more.

At 8pm there’s a Prima mini Traxx tricycle for $50, 33% off Pampers jumbo diapers, 1/2 price Leapster gs explore for $40 and the software is half price too for $15. Certain Crayola items are half price too.

At 10pm there’s the Disney Infinity starter pack for $50, reg. $75. Barbie Dream house is 40% off so $120.

There are also deals that are valid from 6pm to 12am. Certain Hasbro games are half price, Nerf barrel break is $15, 40% off Hot Wheels Crash Course, and a half price Doodle Art easel for $20.

Babies R Us has some deals too for the whole time – half price Baby Bjorn carrier for $90, certain monitors are half price etc.

Lots of great deals for early xmas shopping!

Who’s heading out for these deals? Any tips for the new Moonlight Madness Shopper?

And find more deals like this on my Winnipeg Blog!