A lot of thrift stores are now offering curbside pickup in Winnipeg – probably across Manitoba.
A fun way to get new to you Christmas decorations, books, gifts, clothing and more.
Great for them to keep getting money in, and I love how creative they’re being with packages etc. Some have Advent packages for books for kids and adults, some are putting together assorted packs for Christmas and more.
Make sure to check out your favorite thrift store and see if they’re offering this. They all have different ways of claiming the items and paying for them so make sure to look for that.
Here are a few that I found:
– Adult & teen challenge super Thrift
Let me know if there are others doing this, I can add them to the list.
Goodwill has posted on Instagram pictures of things in their windows which they would have auctioned. They have prices and locations and contact info.