The Easiest Holiday Craft to do with your Kids!


If you love to craft with your kids and are looking for a project that will work out for everyone, this is it!!

Pick up some clear plastic holiday decorations – make sure they’re plastic!! 🙂 Michaels has a few sizes, I picked these up on the weekend for 51 cents each.

Take the caps off and set them aside. Lay out a lot of newspaper and some paper towels – grab some cheap dollar store type of paints. The runny ones work best.

Pick your colours, pour a bit in the top and swirl it around. Pick another colour and keep layering it.

IMG_20151207_104515_edit The first colour that hits the wall seems to stick, so you work your way around that. In between colours I put them upside down to let the excess paint drip out.

I picked up a pack of paint at Michaels since there was a coupon and I wanted a wide variety. You could just do all xmas colours if you want, or get more colours for different choices. And odds are your kids probably have a lot of paints already!

When you’ve covered the entire inside, let them sit overnight upside down and put the caps back on and you’re ready to decorate!

These turned out amazingly, better than the pics really show. Something kids of almost any age can do, and you could get creative and add glitter, jingle bells inside etc.  It was neat to try to get really thin lines, and to get them to swirl a bit. Enjoyable for all ages!

These are great for your own tree, or if you’re looking for something for the kids to make for relatives.

And if you get any paint on the outside by accident, it’s very easy to wash off once you’re done. You can even take a sharpie and write their names and the year on the outside before giving them away – or keep them for yourselves and make new ones every year!

Simple and super cheap project – two big thumbs up for this one from our family!