Stocking up on pasta and cheese - and how to store it all

If you’re a big fan of cheese and pasta, and you prefer to do the groceries as least possible as often, doing a major stockup is a great option.

A few times a year we head to New Bothwell and Steinbach to do just that.

Bothwell cheese has discounted cheese at their factory store – can really vary from day to day what they have. You can buy giant blocks, or end pieces on clearance etc.

I always get tons of parmesan because it freezes so well and easily. Shred it, pop it in some ziplocs or freezer containers and your set.

The rest of their cheese last for a really long time in the fridge, but most will freeze well too.

If you are a big family of pasta eaters, check out Nature’s Farm in Steinbach. They sell all kinds of flavors of pasta in small bags, like one family meal size, but you can also ask to buy cases of them from the back. I always buy a case of spirals and thin noodles.

I find these spirals perfect for mac and cheese and pasta salads, and the thin ones cook in a minute or two, so perfect for quick meals – mostly make those with just whatever veggies we have and cheese. Great summer pastas.

Both bags pictured were around $20 each, it varies in price and you can only buy these direct from their store. They also sell granola, flour, eggs, lots of other great local products too.

If you’re wondering how to store this much pasta, you can buy food grade pails, or use any other food storage system you have like ice cream pails etc.

Both places are also great for food sharing – stock up and split it amongst several friends or family members.