Stay Safe this winter with Mark's slip resistant boots! And enter to win a $100 giftcard!

Depending on where you live, winter could be mild and sweater and light coats – or you can be in Winnipeg and have snow, ice and brutally cold temperatures.

But, ice is a big problem anywhere it freezes, even when it’s not super cold – think of Vancouver last winter, seeing people slipping and falling on the news and how icy the roads and sidewalks were all over.

Falling in winter not only bruises the ego a bit, it’s painful and often can lead to some pretty brutal injuries. The older we get, the worse it seems to get. I’m a big fan of good winter footwear – a good grip to me is the most important thing. I wear my big boots from Mark’s as soon as it’s icy now – last year I thought it wasn’t too bad out, wore my runners and had a pretty bad fall. Lesson learned. I have them, so I wear them! It’s winter after all.

Mark’s has a ton of great boots for winter and some new anti slip innovations that will keep you safe all winter.

My husband went and met with Damon Bennett to learn more about it and to test some boots out. They had an incline and ice there to try it out and the Vibram Artic grip boots had the most amazing grip. He was really impressed with them and even when he was trying to slip and slide, the boots gripped in. Great for those working outside in the winter – but also just if you really cautious of falling. And like Damon mentions in the video, such a great idea for the elderly to get boots with an amazing grip. These are some serious boots – engineered and designed to perform on wet ice – and improved grip now on cold, iced or snowy surfaces. Covers all parts of winter. Just don’t wear these boots indoors as there are crystals in the soles. Which, in Winnipeg most people don’t stomp around houses in winter boots, so shouldn’t be an issue.

It’s winter here for quite a bit of the year – and when it gets icy you’re better off with a great pair of boots so you can get out there and work, or just enjoy the winter. Warmth is a big one too – but not falling wins for me every time!

You can check out the site Damon mentions in the video – Rate My Treads. It’s such a great idea to see how well boots do on ice and incline.

And thanks to Mark’s one lucky person will be winning a $100 giftcard – maybe it’s time for new boots or any of the other functional and fun items found at Mark’s!

Here are your ways to enter:

1 – Check out the Mark’s site and comment with which winter boots are your favourite!

2 – Watch the video with Damon Bennett and comment with what you find most important in a boot compared to his list

3 – Like Mark’s on facebook and comment that you did so

4 – Post the link to this giveaway on facebook and comment that you did so

Giveaway is open to all Canadians and will end Friday Dec. 15th at noon – Good Luck everyone!