Spring Break Camps and Activities in Winnipeg for 2016!

7 Jan


Spring Break camps in Winnipeg fill up pretty early – so if you’re looking for ways to keep kids busy during their week off, make sure to sign up well in advance.

There’s a lot of great stuff happening all over the city:


  • The Forks is having their Festival of Fools. This runs from March 28th to April 3rd from 11am to 3pm. Every day there’s entertainment and workshops – you can check out the full scheduele on their site. It’s all free, but you need to register for some of the workshops.
  • The Manitoba Museum has Earth Explorers Animal Interactions from March 26th to April 1st. It’s from noon to 4pm every day. Learn about animals from all over the world, with some animal experts and animals there from Petland.
  • The Assiniboine Zoo is having their Zoo Camp from March 29th to April 1st. You can sign up for the day or for the full week. There’s different themes and activities every day, you can check the full scheduele. Great for animal lovers!
  • Winnipeg Art Gallery is having their camps from March 29th to April 1st. They have different ones for kids and teens. They both sound great, the teens will be painting a mural which is pretty cool!
  • Children’s Museum has camps running from March 28th to April 1st. Suitable for grade 1 to 5, and there’s also options for early drop off and late pickup etc.  Different themes and activities every day.
  • St. Vital Centre has activities every day – including science and animal demos and exhibits, and discounted movies.

I’ll keep adding on as we get closer to Spring Break – a lot of places will be adding camps as they seem to always be super popular in Winnipeg!

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