Skip The Dishes #Winnipeg - Review and Giveaway!
Skip the Dishes is the easiest way to order from a crazy amount of local restaurants!
The service is so easy to use, here’s how:
1 – Go on the Skip The Dishes site and put in your postal code – it’ll give you a list of restaurants that are available at that time for delivery – you can change the time too if you want to preorder etc. which is nice.
2 – Pick your restaurant – this was the hard part for us. There was just so many choices. A lot of our favourite places and a lot of places we hadn’t tried yet.
3 – Fill out your order. It’s nice when you choose the item if it’s customizable it pops up, and you can add special notes too.
4 – Pay – you prepay the tip also which is awesome if you’re sending the food to someone as a gift.
5 – Wait and answer the door! Our order was actually 5 minutes early, the food was really hot which had been my concern and we really enjoyed it. I love being able to order and do everything online, and it’s nice that you can actually set it up early. You can order online when you’re leaving work and have it show up at the time you want.
There’s a different delivery fee for every restaurant, some have a minimum order but it’s all right there and easy to follow along. I think this is great when you want takeout but don’t want the usual, have a craving for one of your favourites – or to send as a gift to a sick friend, a surprise on a busy week etc. There’s also a few dessert places now so could be a really fun way to send someone a pie, or some bday cupcakes.
One lucky person will be winning a $25 credit to Skip The Dishes Winnipeg – here are your ways to enter:
1 – Check out Skip The Dishes and comment with which restaurant you’d love to see added
2 – Comment with which restaurant you’d choose to order from that’s already there.
3 – Post the link to this giveaway as your facebook status and comment that you did so
4 – Tweet out the link to this giveaway and comment that you did so – you can earn a daily entry for this one!
Giveaway is open to anyone that can order from Skip The Dishes Winnipeg and will end Friday July 25th at noon! Good Luck everyone!