Shop Small Biz Day tomorrow!
Friday Oct. 25th is Shop Small Biz Day – what does that mean? It’s the perfect day to explore your neighbourhood and support some local small businesses!
I think any day is a great day for this, but it’s always fun to have one special day where everyone does it at the same time! Local small businesses are so vital for so many reasons – they provide jobs, help local economy – but best of all it really improves a neighbourhood!
We live in St. Boniface and I’m a big fan of so many of our small businesses, so I’ll share a few of my faves. If you’re in my area check out Promenade Café, Garage Café, Chaise Café, Loveys Bbq or Vientiane for all kinds of yummy food and fun atmosphere. If you want some snacks or baked goods or coffee, there’s Constance Popp Chocolates, Café Postale and Le Croissant. Or hit up some of our local French bookstores, Librarie A La Page or Boutique du Livre.
I encourage everyone to get out tomorrow and try out a new local business in your area, or support your local fave!
That was my tour of my St. Boniface faves…what area do you live in and who do you recommend in your neighbourhood? Always good to know the local favourites for when we are in another area so share away!! 🙂
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