Sample Source free samples

27 Oct

If you signed up for the Sample Source free samples last month, keep an eye out for them in the mail!

If you didn’t, make sure to do so next year. It comes up twice a year, at the end of March and at the end of September.

They run out very quickly but I always post when it goes live. About a month or so later you’ll get a box of free samples in the mail, and also a bunch of full price coupons.

What you get varies depending what time you logged on and how you answer questions.

This time around I got lots of goodies and also a coupon for free hot chocolate, a buy one get one free on chocolate bar, free almond milk, free dog food and lots of discounts.

The free samples themselves are nice too because it’s great to try new products and lots of little snacks and new things to try out.

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