Safeway flyer deals
Some great deals in this weeks flyer! The friday only deals are 2L milk are 2 for $4 (limit of 2), russet potatoes it really looks like it says buy 1 get 2 free, grapes are 99 cents lb,pecan brownies are $5, safeway glass cleaner is 3 for $5, ovenjoy bread 4 for $5, and summer fresh dips are 2 for $5.
Rest of the week there’s turkey for 99 cents lb, sales on all the thanksgiving fixes. There’s also buy 5 kraft products and get a free cracker barrel cheese. Buy the 3 post cereal get free 4L jug of milk coupon again! And don’t forget tuesday is 10% off day – perfect time to cash in those Kraft sample box cheese coupons!