New flyer at Costco - and changes to sale rotations. Let me know what you guys think.

If you’re at Costco keep an eye out for this new coupon booklet, it’s most likely on a table at the front of the store. You can grab one if you want to, or better for the environment just look at them here. I was really happy when they went away from this model of printed booklets (apart from the ones you actually need to hand in) – and this one is a little bit confusing.

Also just want to add in a huge thank you to all the Costco stores – I haven’t been in a while but I am constantly amazed at all of the great positive stories people are posting about their shopping trips! Stores are clean, well-stocked, organized – employees are great as usual and even more so now. People keep letting me know how it’s the only store they’re feeling safe at.
Don’t forget to thank them and remember this after.

Back to the coupon booklet…

These are just to look at, you don’t need to cut any out or anything like that. It’s a big enough flyer too….The person who grabbed it for me thought it was the new executive coupons, sadly it’s not.

Encompasses all kinds of sales, don’t expect to see every single item at your local store either. Everything in the booklet ends on the same date, but that’s not how it was in the store. So, this is great for a guide and to see some new products. Even with just three Costco’s in Winnipeg, we all know there’s quite a bit of variety in different products from store to store here.

There’s also some online only stuff included. I was really hoping the booklet was to promote and encourage more online shopping right now.

Let me know what you think of it, and what you think of sales lasting one month instead of a week or two like before.

And remember as much as possible try to go shopping just one person only and really try to limit your trips. Keeps their staff, and us safer 🙂