Here is a bit about Brandy at Insanemamacita, our 8th blogger:
I am a stay at home, work at home, and study at home mom.My husband and I have two very beautiful and active boys. Our oldest is in Grade 2 and is a fabulous hockey player. Our youngest just turned three and loves to create a path of destruction where ever he goes.I call myself a retired librarian. However, I may come out of retirement one day as I miss being in the library and surrounded by books (which are a passion of mine). And just over a year ago I decided to go back to school to become an Administrative Professional and Bookkeeper. I love learning and felt like I needed to try something new. Some may say I am insane for doing all of this at once but hey, it’s my life! Welcome to the insanity!
1) When did you start blogging?
I officially started blogging on October 1, 2011. That is when Insane Mamacita’s Musings first began. However, I did have a blog before for a short period of time where I shared new things I had learned that day or week. I deleted that first blog after a while and have regretted not saving a few of the posts I wrote. I was pretty proud of them.
2) What exactly made you start blogging?
The idea for Insane Mamacita’s Musings came to me one night as I was trying to go to sleep. I wanted to unleash some of my hidden creativity and share stories about what was going on in our sometimes chaotic house. I find blogging very cathartic. I love that I have an outlet to share my ideas, my favourite products, events in my life, my struggles with anxiety and losing my mom to alcoholism.
3) What motivates you to keep going?
My family and friends motivate me. They tell me how much they enjoy reading my posts and encourage me to keep up at it.The friends I have met through blogging networks and social media are also great inspirations to me. I hope to someday be as fabulous as they are.
4) Favourite post ever? .
This is a tough question! I have a few favourite posts but this one I wrote about my mom and her alcoholism was difficult to write –
Our Dirty Little Secret
5) What is the direction you are heading in with your blog?
Right now I am not really sure what direction to take with my blog. I hope to continue to do the occasional product review.But I really want to work on improving my writing abilities. I originally began my blog to share my experiences and I want to go back to focusing on that.
6) Tips for new bloggers?
Be yourself. If you aren’t authentic, it will show. Be kind to others. And finally, try not to compare yourself to other blogs and bloggers.
7) What do you want people to know about you?
Even though I am for the most part quite open on my blog, if you met me in real life I would be shy and quiet. I find that blogging has enabled me to find my voice. I may not be able to speak my inner most thoughts out loud but via my blog I can. Some people may not feel the same way about a certain topic as I do and that is OK. We are all different and are allowed our own opinions. I also hope that people who suffer from mental illness, like myself, find some comfort in my posts about my struggle with anxiety and know that they are not alone.
Great article. I loved the tips for other bloggers. Too many people are comparing themselves to other bloggers (I am so guilty of that) and it gets me nowhere. Keep up the good work lady!
I love that you are open about your anxiety Brandi!