There are so many ways to save money on daily life apart from coupons etc. This is a super easy one to do, go to the MB Hydro site and order up your water and energy saver kit!
It’s free for almost everyone (restrictions are listed) and you’ll receive a box of money saving goodies in about 6 weeks. You get a new low flow shower head (up to 2 per household), a low flow tap for kitchen sink, a thermometer to check the temp in your fridge and also the hot water tank and much more! The site says it saves about $27 a year, I think it’s even more than that!
There’s also other programs you can apply for on their site – retire an old fridge and get a $40 credit, and all kinds of other rebates and loan programs – worth a look through to see if there’s anything that suits your needs. Great way to save some cash every month!
Read more money saving tips on my Winnipeg Blog!