Manitoba Parks Reservations 2023

If you are wanting to book some camping or a yurt or cabin rental etc through Manitoba Parks, time to start getting ready.
Everyone has to make a new account for this year, so definitely do that before the day you need to book.
Reservations are split over 6 different days this year.
Everyone has to make a new account for this year, so definitely do that before the day you need to book.
It starts Monday, April 3rd at 7:00 a.m., for yurts and cabins etc.
Wednesday April 5th is the western and northern region parks including: Asessippi, Bakers Narrows, Clearwater (Campers Cove & Pioneer Bay), Duck Mountain (Blue Lakes, Childs Lake, Wellman Lake), Manipogo, Paint Lake, Rainbow Beach, Rivers, Spruce Woods (Kiche Manitou) Turtle Mountain (Adam Lake), William Lake and Wekusko Falls.
Tuesday, April 11th it’s birds Hill and Winnipeg Beach campsites.
Wednesday April 12th it’s campsites at South Whiteshell, including Caddy Lake, Falcon Beach, Falcon Lakeshore and West Hawk Lake.
Thursday April 13th it’s campsites at Nopiming (Tulabi Falls, Bird Lake, Black Lake, Shoe Lake, Beresford Lake) and North Whiteshell (Big Whiteshell, Brereton Lake, Nutimik Lake, Opapiskaw, Betula Lake and White Lake) campgrounds
And Friday, April 14th. It’s everything that’s left over.
Check out their website for more info, and make sure to make your new account soon.
And be ready and waiting to book as spots go quickly. Check your availability dates before so that you have more flexibility in booking, pick out several locations that you might want etc. A little bit of research before goes far.