Jets are Back Blog

29 Aug

Check out this great new blog – Jetsareback and enter to win a pair of tickets to an upcoming Jets game. This will be fun blog to keep an eye on when the season starts, keep up with what’s going on with the Jets! (that feels weird to write, like I went back in time)

I’m really hoping to be able to win a pair of tickets and surprise my husband – so please use my link as that’s counting as my entry! 🙂  How many of you guys bought tickets, and how badly does everyone want to go? Did you guys buy Jets gear yet?

4 Replies to “Jets are Back Blog

  1. hubby tried desperately to buy tickets, but no such luck.
    would absolutely luv to win some..but need 5 our 3 daughters are Jets fans too LOL

  2. We were one of the lucky ones to get 3- half season tickets, but I must say the set up they had for going down and picking out seats was not very good. I was off the computer by 12:04 p.m. when the tickets went on sale, and I was told the way seats are selected is the first ones to hit “buy” the time is recorded and that is the order for you to come and get your seats. Well not so, we got an email with 4 different dates and times to go, we went Monday morning at 9 am since that was the first day and time on the list and we thought oh maybe we will get the seats we wanted, boy were we wrong. We got o.k. seats, no where near the section we wanted, and found out that is was the last week for picking seats. I said I thought it went in order as the time we bought the tickets, he said no, the emails were sent random for each level of seating. we were a little upset , but hubby and boys are still very happy they at least got tickets.

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