Holiday and After Holiday Stocking up on groceries

Whenever there’s a holiday that is pretty food focused, like Easter, Thanksgiving etc. there are certain items to look for on sale.

Turkeys have been a great price lately – and you can eat it year round, so why not stock up? I love to cook a bunch up, super quick and easy – seperate the meat to freeze for either sandwiches or soups, and then make a ton of stock. Pick up some discount hams, chop them all up and have them ready in the freezer to throw into omelettes or soups etc all winter long.  Both can be used for sandwiches too which is nice too.

If you’re a fan of packaged gravy, stuffing etc – they’re $1 or less at most places right now too.

Keep an eye out at the grocery store for random type deals too, things the store might have ordered too many of for the holiday, that didn’t quite sell quick enough. I picked up a ton of Chipits chocolate chips this weekend at No Frills for $2 a bag – totally unadvertised too.

If you have room in the freezer, keep an eye on the prices of frozen veggies, desserts etc.   Carry those savings over for months.

What are your favourite things to stock up on at certain times of the year on discount?