Giveaway weekend in #Winnipeg

On May 9th and 10th it will be Giveaway weekend in Winnipeg again.

What this means is that you can put out items that are still good for free on your boulevard. Items must be clearly marked as free – and anything that doesn’t get taken has to be put away by Sunday night.

You can give away all kinds of items – but the city has some items that are no-no’s – like things with bedbugs (gross and obviously), toilets that have a high flush volume and then common sense things – like no baby walkers or lawn darts.

Even if you’re not planning on participating it’s good to know – make sure to put away things you think someone might grab…seems to happen every time to people. Don’t leave bikes on the driveway or unload things and leave them there for a few minutes that weekend – just in case.

I also hear it’s often a great weekend for garage sales since everyone is out and about anyway.

The city has a great list of places to donate items to after – good idea to check those out.

What are your tips for do’s and dont’s for these weekends?