CSA Boxes for 2020 in Manitoba - community supported agriculture

If you’re looking to eat healthier this summer, or just want to simplify your gardening or meal planning, getting a CSA box is a great idea!!

If if you’re new to CSA boxes, it’s where you sign up to get farm fresh veggies and products either delivered to you or picked up on a certain schedule. You’re buying direct from the farmers and it’s a great way to support local and get the absolute best.

Most places will have a few different sizes to choose from and different schedules so look through the list and see what fits your family’s needs.

Hnatiuk Gardens has their form up for 2020 and they have several different choices for sizing.

Boundary Creek Farm has two sizes to choose from, but a lot of locations for delivery and pickup.

Almost Urban vegetables has two choices and a few locations for pickups.

Food Ethos Farms has a lot of choices for meat, veggies and all kinds of neat boxes that seem to run year round.

Wild Earth farms has a few choices for size and pick up locations.

Blue lagoon organics has boxes and also eggs.

Haven farms has three different choices fir size and a lot of choices for the rest.

Some don’t have their 2020 info up yet but keep an eye on them or feel free to email them to see what they’ll have.

Natural collective, Jonathan’s Farm. Metanoia, Cramptons, Fort Whyte Farms, Bergmann CSA.