Coupon chain updates

11 Apr

Just a reminder to everyone on the coupon chains – when you receive one, remember to come to the blog and click on the coupon chains updates tab and do exactly that….just post what chain you’re on and who you’re passing it along to and when. That’s it…. I mailed out a lot of chains a few weeks ago and only got updates on about half of them – and a lot of the ones that updated are already on the 2nd and 3rd persons!

Here are the chains we’re waiting for updates on:

uofm#2 – sheri m, transcona#2 – catherine s, st vital#5 – nancy f, st vital#3 – jennifer w, outside wpg#4 – carrie s, polo park – tracy b, east k#2 – sheri k, charleswood – juanita e, garden city/westk#1 – debby c, gardencity/west k#2 – catia z, grant park – robin m, out of province – tennille f, portage – amanda p, outside wpg #2 – karyn m

So, if you know where any of them are please post up an update – and if you’re listed and haven’t gotten it yet post that up too – all the chains were mailed at the exact same time….it’s a bit weird that half of them haven’t shown up yet.

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