Costco Unadvertised Deals of the Week!

IMG_20160418_100301Here are the deals from the Regent location. Most of the sales this week were actually the coupons – less secret sales this week. Also the executive coupons are now ready to use, explains why less pictures this week.Some great deals though, unadvertised and the coupons so lots of good deals at Costco this week.  IMG_20160418_100316 IMG_20160418_100323 IMG_20160418_100347 IMG_20160418_100555_edit IMG_20160418_100926 IMG_20160418_101011 IMG_20160418_101042 IMG_20160418_101116 IMG_20160418_101132 IMG_20160418_101231 IMG_20160418_101237 IMG_20160418_101337 IMG_20160418_101419 IMG_20160418_101435 IMG_20160418_101454_edit IMG_20160418_101726 IMG_20160418_101849 IMG_20160418_101923 IMG_20160418_101933 IMG_20160418_102021 IMG_20160418_102132 IMG_20160418_102241_edit IMG_20160418_102535_edit